Our products

With some wool and just a little bit of imagination we create little things completely hand made as hats with alpaca fiber or merino wool, scarves or little decorations.

We also produce duvets for every size of beds, also for baby beds filled with alpaca fiber or merino wool and with 100% cotton coating.

Here you can see some examples, but come for a visit to discover all of our products.




(Italiano) Prossimi appuntamenti

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

(Italiano) Cura dei capi in alpaca

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Borsa Elefantino Portamonete Lana tinta con prodotti naturali Scaldamuscoli Berrette decorazioni da appendere Gufetti e profuma armadi Svuotatasche in feltro Gnometti Orecchini con monachella in argento Berrette Peluche


speronella calendula salvia hennè tintura foglie di noce lana tinta colori in scala Curcuma ogetti in feltro 010 Berrette sciarpe 007 (1) Berrette sciarpe 004 (1)
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